Interesting newborn facts
Newborn babies are amazing little creatures, full of fascinating details and characteristics that make them unique. Here are some interesting facts and details about newborn babies:
Sleep- Newborn babies sleep alot, averaging around 16-17hrs a day. However, they don’t sleep for long stretches at a time. It’s normal for newborns to wake every 2-3hrs to eat.
Vision- a newborn baby’s vision is not fully delveloped yet, and they can only see about 8-10inches in front of them. They also have trouble distinguishing colours and seeing sharp details.
Smell- Newborns have a strong sense of smell and can recognise their mother’s scent within the first few days of life. This helps them bond with their mother and find the breast for feeding.
Hair- Some newborns are born with a full head of hair, whilst others may have very little or no hair at all. The colour and texture of their hair may change in the first few months of life.
Reflexes- Newborns have a number of innate reflexes, such as Moro reflex, which causes them to startle and spread their arms and legs when they feel a sudden movement or noise. The also have the rooting reflex, which helps them find the breast for feeding.
Crying- Newborns communicate primarily through crying, as they cannot yet talk or express themselves in other ways. It is important for parents to learn to distinguish between different types of cries such as hunger, tiredness, and discomfort in order to respond appropriately.
Senses- Newborns have a strong sense of touch and can feel pain from birth. They also have a sense of taste and their preferences for sweet and bitter tastes can be detected within the first few days of life.
Weight- Newborns typically lose weight in the first few days of life, as they adjust to feeding and eliminate excess fluids. However, they usually regain their birth weight within the first two weeks of life.
Each baby is unique and special and getting to know your newborn is one of the most rewarding experiences of parenthood.